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Choose Smart Service as your company’s field service management software solution and you'll enjoy fresh content updates regularly cooked up by our developers. Every quarter we publish a major release that expands the functionality of both Smart Service and iFleet. To catch up on the latest changes, please visit our updates page. Our archive is packed with posts highlighting the most recent Smart Service updates (such as this one, which lists the major additions from all of 2016). To get the most out of Smart Service, you'll want to make sure you are running the latest version. Inside Smart Service, click the About button under the Help tab.

A number on the resulting screen will indicate which version you are using:

Check this number against the number on the support page of the Smart Service website.

If your version is out of date, you can update it with the Download button on the support page, or by hitting the Update Smart Service button in the program itself.

If you have questions about updating Smart Service, contact our Help Desk for assistance (888-518-0818).