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Service agreements have become a fixture of the HVAC industry, and for good reason. Service agreements give HVAC businesses a rare source of recurring revenue. Of course, managing service agreement's require a certain level of organization and sophistication on the part of the business offering them. How do you achieve this?
Tracking service agreements with HVAC software makes the task easy. HVAC software like Smart Service provides the ability to quickly look up contract information for a particular customer. HVAC software also allows dispatchers to quickly schedule a maintenance job tied to a specific service agreement.
Below, we've compiled even more reasons why you should track HVAC service agreements with HVAC software.
Better Organization
HVAC software allows you to track the customers you service. You can also use it to track additional information, such as service agreements. This way, all of your customer information and service agreements will live in one place, making it easy for you to review things. Service agreements can be organized by type (for example, "HVAC maintenance agreement"). You'll also want to include other important information, such as status, contract date, expiration date, and contract amount. Including this information on your service agreement not only provides info on when a service agreement will expire, it also can provide a list of customers that you can contact to renew their service agreement when the time comes.
Sending Service Agreements
With all your customer service agreements stored in your HVAC software, sending service agreements to individual clients is easy. You can print them, or email them directly to your customer's inbox. Also, if you use Microsoft Word and Smart Service, mail merge templates can help you quickly print or send your HAVC maintenance agreements, complete with your desired look and style.
Applying Discounts with Price Levels
Does your HVAC company provide a discount to your customers for enrolling in a maintenance service agreement? With HVAC service agreement software like Smart Service, you can set up different price levels based on different service agreement types. For example, if you provide a 10% discount for all repairs and a 5% discount for new installs for customers who have enrolled in a service agreement, then you can set up a price level that provides the discounts for the appropriate items.
Smart Service integrates with QuickBooks, which means you can include price levels with discounts in the job items you regularly use. Once the correct price level gets assigned to your customer, all jobs added will enjoy the discount.
Scheduling Jobs
As part of a typical service agreement, you'll need to schedule an annual maintenance job. With the HVAC software Smart Service, you can create an annual maintenance job along with the service agreement. This job should recur as long as the service agreement has not expired. When the maintenance agreement does expire, the maintenance job’s status tied to the service agreement will change to pending, removing the job from the route. This way, maintenance jobs will only get routed while the maintenance agreement is active.
Tracking service agreements in HVAC software allows users to pull data into a report. If you need a list of all soon-to-be expired HVAC maintenance service agreements, you can create a report in Smart Service to obtain this information. Along with this report, you can create an email to send to your customers to renew their HVAC service agreements. Additional reports can also help your HVAC business promote other services and products.
Creating Service Agreement Invoices
Smart Service HVAC software also allows you to create invoices for your HVAC service agreements. Invoice line items can be added with the specified contract amount. Depending on the type of contract (whether it is monthly, semi-annual, or annual) invoices can be created based on frequency. You can print and mail these invoices, or you can email them directly to your customers. Smart Service also offers payment services, so customers can pay for their service agreements online via a secure payment portal. This provides a quick and easy way to collect payments.
HVAC software is a great investment for your HVAC business. Tracking your service agreements with HVAC software helps you stay organized and keeps you on top of your service agreements. Users can easily look up a customer's enrollment status, and automatically adjust existing or new jobs for any discounts.
Smart Service can provide all of these benefits. With complete QuickBooks integration, Smart Service can track customers and post invoices directly to your accounting software, saving your company valuable time and effort. To learn more about Smart Service, request a free demo today.