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Appliance repair technicians often have a good idea of which tools they need, but if you haven’t worked in the field yourself, you may struggle when it comes to outfitting your techs with everything they need to do their jobs well. Don’t worry, though. We've got you covered. In this article, we'll share our list of the best appliance repair tools. Make sure your techs have these items every time they go out for a job. Doing so will reduce service time and help them represent your company well.
Protective Gear
Safety first, guys. Every person on your team should have goggles, gloves, and a zip suit. Goggles will help keep your technicians safe when working in dusty areas or those with any sort of dirt/debris/chemicals. Likewise, remember to include some gloves. Your guys will need two types: rubber and leather. The rubber gloves will protect their hands when they use oils or chemicals, and the leather ones will guard against sharp edges. You could even opt for Kevlar gloves. They aren’t expensive, and they help prevent cuts and scrapes. Include a zip suit or shoe covers too. It’s not just about protecting clothes and boots—although that is a benefit. No, your team may visit a dozen people in a day. If they get too dirty on one job, they will make a mess in all your customers’ homes. That’s just bad for business, and it is easily avoided by slipping on shoe covers when entering a new house.
Appliance Movers
If there is any chance your appliance repair techs will need to move heavy items, provide some type of appliance moving tool. An appliance mat or glides will usually suffice. These will protect your customers’ floors and take the “grunt” out of the “grunt” work.
Meters and Testers
Appliance repair techs need a few different meters and testers to do their jobs well. Start with a multimeter. This will let them test any item with an electrical path. Most technicians use multimeters to see which components of a system still work. Also, include a small voltage detector pen. This device lets you know if there is electricity present or not, and it can deliver that information without the need for disconnecting terminals or using probes. Just touch the pen to the device, and your techs will know right away whether or not the part is hot.
Hand Tools
You should make sure your techs have a variety of hand tools. A cordless drill with extra batteries should will quickly become invaluable. So will flashlights, as well as screwdriver sets, nut drivers, and pliers—bonus points for insulated handles and ratchets! Your techs will need a fair selection of these items, so make sure you've got the bases covered. Adding a set of security tool bits will help too. Not all of your customers will have the same brand of appliances, so you need the flexibility to work on whatever you find in their homes and businesses.
From there, think outside of the box. Lots of inexpensive tools will help your team work better, but you may not find most of these in every toolbox. Magnetic dishes keep small fasteners from rolling away, and telescoping pick-up tools really come in handy when someone drops a screw/nut/bolt. You might also want to include a turkey baster for defrosting ice plugs, a test cord for testing, and canned air for chilling metal thermostats or clearing dust. Add a putty knife as well. These can help with prying or scraping.
Cleaning Items
Don’t forget cleaning items for your technicians. Appliance repair can be a dirty business. If your team gets everything dirty and leaves it that way, your customers may not call your repair company again (and they certainly won't recommend you to family and friends). Make it easy on your techs by providing them with a small shop vac and a handheld steam cleaner. While you don’t need them to scrub every area they work in, they should avoid leaving a mess behind. Ideally, you want to leave the area looking like you were never there at all.
Professional Tools
Finally, take steps to ensure your techs have the professional tools they need to do their jobs well. Something as simple as a good tool bag, heavy-duty cell phone case, or good pens can go a long way. Consider adding an appliance repair software app to help your team do their jobs better. Some solutions (like Smart Service) consolidate customer information, schedules, service histories, work orders, forms, and more. Plus, the right software can help your people deliver accurate estimates on the go and communicate more effectively with your customers (as well as your office dispatchers).
Choosing the Right Tools
You have to pay to play. Remember the maxim "you never regret paying for quality." Invest in your appliance repair company. Your customers (and your techs) will thank you!